Archive | October 2012


  1. I.             Read the text and answer the questions choosing the right answer.
  1. Can dogs see television? We often think they can. But
  2.  animals do not see as much as we do.They don’t see the
  3.  many colours that we see, for they are colour-blind.
  4. You can see a brown rabbit in a green field. Your dog
  5.  cannot. All he sees is in grey. When the rabbit moves, your
  6.  dog sees it as a moving grey thing in a big grey world.
  7. On television he sees moving grey shadows but cannot
  8.  Understand what he sees, or what the shadows stand for.
  9.  But your dog has a good sense of smell and hearing, and he
  10. can tell by the smells from your body and the sounds you
  11. make if you are happy or angry. When you get excited by
  12. the pictures you see on television your dog smells and hears
  13. this, and he too may get excited. When this happens you
  14. may think it is the picture on television which is making
  15. him excited but this is not really so.
  1. According to paragraph 1, lines 1-3 animals

a)      are blind

b)      don’t see any colours

c)      don’t differentiate colours

d)      can see many colours

  1. According to paragraph 2, lines 4-6

a)      can see the brown rabbit in grey

b)      can’t see the brown rabbit

c)      can’t see the rabbit in a green field

d)      can see the rabbit onle when it moves

  1. The word shadow in line 7 means

a)      something of dark shape

b)      something invisible

c)      something movable

d)      something that stands still

  1. Which of the statements is true?

a)      Your dog gets excited by the pictures he sees on TV.

b)      Your dog gets excited by the sounds he hears on TV.

c)      Your dog can smell and hear the pictures on TV.

d)      Your dog smells you are excited and and he may get excited too.

  1. The text is mainly about

a)      the meaning of colours

b)      the dog’s perception of colours

c)      the pictures on TV

d)      rabbits

II.    Read and decide if the speakers like or don’t like computers  and express your opinion.

1.On my computer, I can play games with my friends at home     and I can play chess with my cousin in America. I can check the football results and listen to a CD at the same time. Oh, and I can   do my  homework, if I have time!

2.What can a computer do? It can write letters. A typewriter can write letters. A typewriter is cheaper.

3.I can’t imagine  life without my computer. I can access information from all over the world on the Internet.

4.Computers are expensive toys.

5.A computer is just a typewriter with a memory. I have got a typewriter and I have got a memory!

6.A computer is essential for students. You can study alone and you can get information.

7.If you can use a computer, you can get a job.

8.Why are the instructions on my computer in English? Why aren’t they in my language? I get angry when I use a computer.

III.    Think about your last English lesson and answer these questions.

1.When was it? Yesterday? Two days ago?

2.What was the lesson about?

3.Was the teacher in a good mood?

4.Who was absent?

5.Who sat next to you?

6.What did you learn?

7. Would you like to change anything in the lesson?

IV.    Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (a-f).

1.update               a. to fill in a form with your personal         information

2.virtual world perform actions to let you use a computer skills     c.the ability to use a computer

4.register          add the most recent information to something

5.log on                      e. a world on the Internet or on a computer

6.upload                     f. To move something from a small computer to a

computer network

V.    Put questions.

  1. He discusses a lot of questions. (Special)
  2. The students are revising the words now.(special)
  3. He is translating an article now.(alternative)
  4. You live a long way from the office.(general)
  5. They often go there by bus.(alternative)



  1. VI.          Choose the right verb form.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith (1)——- to visit some friends who lived forty miles away. James drove the coach. By the end of the day we (2)—– thirty miles. There (3)—-some long heavy hills but James (4)—– so carefully that Ginger and I (5)—– troubled at all.

1. a) decide         b) have decided      c) would decide       d) decided

2. a) had travelled  b)travelled             c) will have travelled   d) were travelling

3. a) are               b) was                     c) were                      d) has been

4. a) was driving   b) were driving        c) had driven            d) would drive

5. a) was not         b) were not              c) have not been      d)are not

The summer school (6)—– to be as good as I (7)—–, and my English (8)—- enormously. Maria and I had a great time while we (9)—– there, and made lots of new friends from all over the world .She was the last person I (10)—– to see.

6. a) will turn out    b) would turn out      c) has turned out      d) turned out

7. a) hope              b) had hoped            c) have hoped          d) was hoping

8. a) improved       b) is improving          c)will improve           d) has improved

9. a) are                b) will be                    c) were                     d) have been

10. a) expected       b) will expect             c) have expected      d) was expecting




Ավագ դպրոցում անգլերենի ուսուցման համար դասարան – գրադարանը դառնում է անհրաժեշտություն: Դա գրադարան է բառարաններով` անգլերեն-անգլերեն բացատրական, անգլերեն-հայերեն և հայերեն – անգլերեն,   գեղարվեստական և այլ տեղեկատվական գրքերով,  ամսագրերով ու թերթերով, սովորողների և դասավանդողի նոթբուքերով, թեմաներին համապատասխանող  CD-ներով, որոնք անմիջականորեն հասանելի են դառնում տվյալ դասարանում սովորողներին և նպաստում  անգլերենի ընտրությամբ գործունեությունը արդյունավետ կազմակերպելուն: Դպրոցի գրադարանը  իդեալական է այն սովորողների համար ովքեր սիրում են կարդալ և կարդում են վաղ հասակից, մինչդեռ շատ սովորողների համար այլ է: Նրանք միշտ գտնում են պատճառաբանություններ, ինչպես օրինակ <<Ես ժամանակ չունեի>>, կամ <<Մոռացել եմ>>, կամ <<Ես չգիտեի որ գիրքը վերցնել>> և այլն: Բերելով գրադարանը դասարան մենք դրդում ենք նրան կարդալու և միաժամանակ ցույց ենք տալիս նրանց, որ ընթերցանությունը , իրենց անգլերեն  լեզվի դասընթացի  բաղկացուցիչ մասն է կազմում:

Ինչպես  ստեղծել դասարան-գրադարանը: Որպեսզի այն հաջողություն  ունենա, և’ ուսուցիչը, և’ սովորողը պետք է պատասխանատու լինի դրադարանը ստեղծելու և կազմակերպելու համար: Գրքերը պետք է ընտրվեն, և’ ուսուցչի կողմից, և’ սովորողի: Գրքի ընտրությունը պետք և լինի ըստ անգլերեն լեզվի իմացության: Ընթերցանությունը կարելի է կազմակերպել ինչպես դասարանում, այնպես էլ տանը: Այսպես ընթերցանության մեջ ընդգրկում ես բոլոր սովորողներին: Ես ունեմ այդ փորձը, որը ես համարում եմ հաջողված և հիմա ուզում եմ ընդլայնել այն:


 The task is inteded for classes 11 and 12 specialized education of media technologies and media journalism, and Economist-manager’s.

  1. Think about and then discuss the following questions.

Customs like languages vary from one culture to another.

In the United States people shake hands when they meet someone new. Americans might kiss each other if they are relatives or old friends. Other American customs include giving presents on birthdays, eating turkey on Thanksgiving, lighting fireworks on the Fourth of July, and singing the national anthem before baseball games. Think about some of the customs in your culture and answer the following questions.

  1. What do you do when you meet someone new, your friends and relatives?



  1. How do you celebrate birthdays?




  1. What do you do when your favorite sports team wins?




  1. Think about and then discuss the following questions.
  1. What role does music play in your life? Do you sing or play an instrument? Make a list of your favorite kinds of music and compare it with those of your classmates.
  1. What type of traditional music does your culture have? How would you describe it? What type of instruments are used? Is it still popular today?
  1. Think about the effects that music has on you. Do you listen to background music when you work or study? Have you ever noticed that music relaxes you? Does it ever energize you? In what situations?

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————4.  Do you like to listen to music while you eat? If so, what kinds of music do you usually listen to? Have you ever noticed that music changes the way you eat?
